电子游戏软件(电子游戏软件)将开始为其备受期待的项目招收第一批学生 以人为本的工程课程, a major that will integrate BC’s core liberal arts focus and a rigorous engineering curriculum to prepare students to find solutions that address critical 人类 needs.

在2021年秋季启动,并以工程教育的基础为指导, the 以人为本的工程课程 will emphasize experiential learning and application-based course offerings, giving students opportunities to work in collaborative teams and across disciplines to address critical issues in the areas of the environment, 健康, 和能源.

Aligned closely with the University’s new Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, the program will create new avenues for faculty and student research in the applied sciences and respond to the high level of interest in engineering among prospective applicants considering majors in STEM fields.

毕业生将有能力用科学的方法解决复杂的问题, 技术, 人类, 以及世界面临的社会问题. The program will integrate the liberal arts focus of BC’s core curriculum with foundations of engineering, 设计和系统思维应用, 以及以服务为中心的顶点体验.

“Drawing upon our liberal arts offerings and our professional schools will allow us to offer a broad-based, 以人为本的跨学科工程项目, 哪些传统工程项目一直在努力发展.”
汤姆辣椒, 电子游戏正规平台副教务长

工学学士需要120个学分, 三分之二在工程领域, 数学, 科学主题,三分之一是文科和人文学科. Projected course offerings include: Introduction to Human-Centered Engineering and Design, 工程设计中的人为因素, 可持续发展工程, 数据科学, 机器学习概论, 以及控制理论与机器人技术的应用.

电子游戏软件的持久实力植根于大学的能力, 经过几代人的发展, to uphold core elements of our tradition while identifying and investing in emerging contemporary opportunities,教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利说. “This commitment to engaging the spirit of the age helps fuel our investments in the Schiller Institute and its academic programs. The launch of an undergraduate engineering degree promises to position 电子游戏软件 and our graduates to help lead the way on ethical, 人类-centered explorations of the possibilities and perils of technology in the 21st century.”

以人为本, 包容性方法和设计思维方法, 电子游戏软件的工程学学习将受到全球视野的支持, 道德的基础, 以及解决现实世界挑战的独特顶点项目.

“We find ourselves in a unique position based on the complex problems the planet now faces and a seismic shift that is taking place in undergraduate engineering study,负责电子游戏正规平台的副教务长汤姆·Chiles说, 谁领导了规划工作. “Introducing the 以人为本的工程课程 builds upon our mission to educate students and improve the lives of others. Drawing upon our liberal arts offerings and our professional schools will allow us to offer a broad-based, 以人为本的跨学科工程项目, 哪些传统工程项目一直在努力发展.”

由莫里西文理学院教育政策委员会批准, 这个新专业有几个显著的特点, 包括:

  • 以人为中心的设计: 以人为中心的设计为指导, 学生将学习与利益相关者团体合作, 使用设计思维策略开发面向用户的工程解决方案. 学生将了解技术与社会的交集, as well as an appreciation for technology’s positive and negative impacts on the world.
  • 工程的核心: 学生 will be exposed to a set of engineering subjects through the Engineering Fundamentals Studio course, providing a shared knowledge base during sophomore year that can support later specialization.
  • 浓度方面: 学生 in the program will be required to build depth in a particular field of engineering by taking three advanced courses in a concentration area of their choice. 可用的专业可能包括机械工程, 电气与计算机工程, 或者环境工程.
  • 反射: 每学期,学生每周都会有时间进行反思. The objectives of these sessions will help tie together the components of their technical, engineering education; integrate their engineering education with their core classes; and examine their training in light of the needs of society.

The creation of the program coincides with the launch of the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society in a state-of-the-art science and engineering center slated to open in the fall of 2021, 这是一项3亿美元科学投资的核心项目. The institute will become the hub for applied and innovative research that addresses complex problems by incorporating aspects of design thinking, 实施与数据科学, 制造/原型, 创业, 以及BC社区内外的跨学科合作. Central to the Schiller Institute is interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty and students to identify solutions to society’s more pressing challenges in the areas of 能源, 健康, 和环境,同时也教育下一代的科学领袖.

The launch of an undergraduate engineering degree promises to position 电子游戏软件 and our graduates to help lead the way on ethical, 人类-centered explorations of the possibilities and perils of technology in the 21st century.

The 20-credit Engineering Fundamentals Studio course in sophomore year will anchor the degree program as a year-long exploration of central engineering topics, 包括线性系统理论, 动力学, 电路, 迁移现象, 热力学, 和机电一体化. Additional experiential courses include the Junior Collaborative Project Lab and Senior Impact Project.

“这将是一个雄心勃勃的计划, 密集的, 吸引新专业,莫里西艺术与科学学院院长格雷戈里·卡尔舍尔说, S.J.说,. “We will be asking our engineering students to complete a rigorous engineering curriculum and to embrace the core curriculum that provides the foundation for our distinctive identity as a Jesuit liberal arts university. Graduates of our 以人为本的工程课程 will be well prepared for lives and careers that will respond to the complex challenges they will face as they strive to build the future our rapidly changing world demands.”

Human-Centered Engineering will prepare graduates for the broadest range of career trajectories in the private or public sector, 行业, 或者非盈利领域. 除了电子游戏正规平台生学习之外, career paths include positions such as product design engineer in the 健康 care sector; environmental policy consultant; engineer at an alternative 能源 start-up; technical analyst at a social impact non-governmental organization; or high-tech sector program manager.

新项目的推出符合大学教育学生的使命, 支持他们的道德形成, 并让他们做好“为他人服务的男人和女人”的准备.”

“对别人有真正的同理心, and using that empathy and engineering to design solutions around real 人类 problems is absolutely the best way to make an impact—it is exactly what BC is uniquely suited to do,帕特里克·格雷迪说, a partner at Sequoia Capital and a member of the scientific advisory committee of the University’s Board of Regents. “这不是为工程而工程,而是为影响而工程.”

-艾德·海沃德|大学传播| 2020年4月