cfc 2024年秋季学期的同伴辅导将于9月9日(周一)开始.


辅导预约将于9月9日星期一开始 Navigate portal.




Academic Coaching:

为学生提供50分钟的一对一学术辅导会议, 这需要与导师一起进行自我评估, reflect, and set goals to achieve academic success. 学生可以选择的重点领域有:目标设定, Time Management and Organization Strategies, Self-Advocacy and Conflict Management, Reading/Writing/Notetaking Strategies, Study Skills, Meditation and Relaxation, Future Planning.


Tutoring Session Information For Tutees:

Each appointment is 50 minutes long.  预约最多只能提前6天预约在7天内每个科目不超过3次预约 如果您在同一天为同一科目预约了两个预约,其中一个预约将被删除. 导师不能帮助学生完成考试或作业.  Please respect tutors’ privacy and time.  Do not contact them outside of their work hours.  This is against Center policy.


Scheduling a Tutoring Appointment:

  1. 登录您的Agora门户网站,点击“学术和课程”部分下的“导航学术支持”链接.
  2. Once you are at the Navigate homepage, 点击标题为“与学术支持办公室预约”的链接.” It's the blue box in the upper right corner.
  3. 这将带您到一个带有下拉菜单的页面. 
  4. 在这个菜单中选择“康纳斯家庭学习中心”.”
  5. 这将打开另一个下拉菜单,您需要在其中选择“基于课程的辅导”.点击“下一步”进入另一个有两个下拉菜单的页面. 
  6. 在顶部选择“Connors Family Learning Center”,在底部选择“Connors Family Learning Center”, 选择你想要接受辅导的课程.
  7. 点击“下一步”后,您将进入一个允许您选择时间并确认约会的页面.

This link will also take you to Navigate:


CFLC Peer Tutoring Calendar


Monday, September 9th -秋季学期同伴辅导的第一天. 


Saturday, Oct. 12th, to Tuesday, Oct. 15th - Closed for Fall Break.


Wednesday, Nov. 27th, to Sunday, Dec. 1st - Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays.


Monday, December 9th -秋季学期同侪辅导的最后一天. 






Cecilie Reid-Joyner

Associate Director

CFLC Calendar


Attend Class

Tutoring is not a substitute for class attendance. 定期和持续地去上课将帮助你从你的课程中获得最大的收获.

Make Appointments Early

可以在辅导前6天预约. 预约很快就排满了,尤其是在考试前. 提前计划,提前预约会给你一个很好的机会得到你想要的约会.

Plan Ahead


Be Prepared

带着作业、书和其他必要的材料来赴约. 预约写作的论文必须提前打印出来(请带一份给自己,一份给导师审阅).

Arrive on Time

如果你迟到超过十分钟的辅导预约, 你的预约可能会给其他学生. 预约时间为50分钟,不会超过时间限制. 最好准时到达,这样你就可以充分利用整个会议.

Budget Your Time

Tutoring appointments are 50 minutes long. 只带那些你能在一定时间内涵盖的材料.

Ask Questions

Tutoring should be an active dialog. The tutor is not meant to do all the talking. 不要害怕问问题或要求澄清如果有什么不合理的. 在课程结束时复习你学过的东西也是一个好主意.

Be Patient

Our tutors are students just like you. They are not meant to know everything. Please be patient as they are trying to help you.