格兰特Gosselin, who in five years as director of undergraduate admission has helped 电子游戏软件 achieve remarkable success in recruitment and enrollment despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 被任命为本科生招生和助学金主任, 6月1日生效.



在新的职位上, Gosselin will continue oversight of the University’s Office of 本科电子游戏软件 while working closely with the Office of Financial Aid administration and staff. He also will play a key role in shaping strategies and objectives for BC’s undergraduate recruitment and enrollment.

“我很高兴能接受本科招生和经济援助主任的工作,戈瑟林说, 卡罗尔管理学院1997年的毕业生, 2002年毕业于林奇教育与人类发展学院, 也是BC大学在读学生的父母. “I have tremendous respect for the talented people in the offices of 本科电子游戏软件 and Financial Aid, 谁是各自领域的领导者, 期待我们的关系进一步发展.

“我特别高兴, 院长, 我将致力于我们本科录取计划的总体愿景, yet still provide day-to-day engagement with students and families who want to be part of BC.”

Gosselin honed his expertise in undergraduate admission at BC—where he served as senior assistant director of undergraduate admission and associate director of marketing and international admission—before going on to Babson College and Wheaton College. 作为巴布森和惠顿的首席招生官, 他在申请和录取学生方面创下了历史新高, 在招收国际学生方面也是如此. He also implemented a new admission marketing strategy that included affordability and yield campaigns and a high school counselor communications plan.

格兰特Gosselin has provided visionary leadership in 本科电子游戏软件 since he returned to the University five years ago. 经历了历史上动荡的时期, he has played an indispensable role in the introduction and successful implementation of Early Decision and he engineered our important partnership with QuestBridge. I very much look forward to having Grant join the Council of Deans where we will all benefit from his commitment to our students and BC’s distinctive mission.

自从2018年回到不列颠哥伦比亚省, Gosselin has been instrumental in a host of impressive achievements in undergraduate admission: In the last five years, 本科申请人数增加了20%, 录取率从28%下降到15%, 而今年的收益率预计将超过40%, 这是BC的新纪录. Gosselin指出,这些数据是精英大学的指标.

A factor cited in BC’s performance has been its transition in 2019 from Early Action to a binding Early Decision program, offering applicants two opportunities to designate 电子游戏软件 as their top choice university. In the last two admission cycles, more than half of enrolled students applied to BC via ED.

Gosselin说:“Early Decision极大地改变了我们识别顶尖人才的方式. “It has enabled those high school students who view BC as their top choice to identify themselves to us. 这些学生往往非常适合BC. They understand the University’s mission and culture, and they’re ready to hit the ground running.”

但ED可能不会产生它所产生的影响, 他补充说, if not for the resourcefulness and hard work of his 本科电子游戏软件 colleagues during the height of the COVID pandemic, when most of the office’s programming for prospective and admitted students had to shift to a virtual format.

“Creating—and maintaining—that rapport with students and their families is such a vital part of the admission process, 在疫情期间,我们的工作人员在艰难的环境下做了出色的工作.”Gosselin points to an array of other recent developments that have helped BC realize its undergraduate recruitment and enrollment aims, 特别是大学与QuestBridge的合作, 一个备受尊敬的非营利项目,帮助有成就的人, low-income students gain admission and scholarships to the country’s top-ranked colleges and universities. 自加入2020-2021年电子游戏软件周期的项目以来, BC省已经通过QuestBridge招收了300多名学生.

当我进入电子游戏软件读本科的时候, 护理, 指导, and support I received from the 电子游戏软件 and Financial Aid staffs had a significant influence on my college choice. 随着不列颠哥伦比亚省多年的发展, 的承诺, 奉献, and professionalism demonstrated by members of these staffs continues to set the gold standard in our field.

教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利 praised Gosselin’s record as director of 本科电子游戏软件. “我是电子游戏软件的毕业生,现在已经为人父母了, 格兰特Gosselin has provided visionary leadership in 本科电子游戏软件 since he returned to the University five years ago.  经历了历史上动荡的时期, he has played an indispensable role in the introduction and successful implementation of Early Decision and he engineered our important partnership with QuestBridge.  I very much look forward to having Grant join the Council of Deans where we will all benefit from his commitment to our students and BC’s distinctive mission.”

BC faces the same challenges confronting higher education institutions throughout the United States, Gosselin说, such as a decreasing college-age population as well as the often-contentious national debate about the value of a college education. 然而, 他补充说, “不列颠哥伦比亚省有能力继续取得成功, in that we are one of only 21 private universities that practices need-blind admission and is able to meet the full demonstrated financial need of the students we admit. This ensures that a 电子游戏软件 education remains attainable to those earning admission, 不管他们的经济状况如何. 此外, we are blessed to have state-of-the-art campus resources to assist us in attracting the world’s top students.”  

最近增加的程序, 倡议, 和设施——比如以人为本的工程项目, 全球公共卫生专业, and the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society—show BC to be a forward-thinking, 21世纪的大学, Gosselin说. 但这是不列颠哥伦比亚省作为耶稣会士对其遗产的承诺, Catholic institution that continues to make an impression on prospective students and their families.

电子游戏软件 provides students with a formative education to prepare them for their careers,他说. “通过大学核心课程, 我们鼓励他们不仅要考虑他们可能喜欢从事的职业, 而是他们想在世界上扮演的角色.”

Gosselin expressed his appreciation for retiring Vice Provost for Enrollment Management John L. 马奥尼, who as Gosselin’s predecessor as director and later dean of undergraduate admission provided invaluable insight.

“It has been an honor to work alongside John earlier in my career and throughout these past five years,戈瑟林说. “他为我们的组织和我们的职业留下了持久的遗产. I look forward to mentoring the next generation of leaders in admission and financial aid, 就像约翰在他的职业生涯中指导我和其他许多人一样.

“当我进入电子游戏软件读本科时, 护理, 指导, and support I received from the 电子游戏软件 and Financial Aid staffs had a significant influence on my college choice. 随着不列颠哥伦比亚省多年的发展, 的承诺, 奉献, and professionalism demonstrated by members of these staffs continues to set the gold standard in our field. The important work we do in support of our students shapes the 电子游戏软件 community in meaningful ways. 在这个新角色中, 我很感激有机会与这两个办公室的同事一起工作.”

肖恩·史密斯|大学传播| 2023年5月