负责招生管理的副教务长约翰. 马奥尼, a key architect for 电子游戏软件’s unprecedented success in undergraduate admission and enrollment during the past three decades—and one of the nation’s most respected professionals in the field—will retire from the University at the end of the 2022-2023 academic year.

马奥尼, 谁在不列颠哥伦比亚省获得了英语学士和硕士学位, returned to his alma mater in 1984 as assistant (later associate) director of undergraduate admission. He was appointed as director of undergraduate admission in 1990; in 2018, he became dean of undergraduate admission and financial aid and later that year was appointed as vice provost for enrollment management.

The University will announce plans for a restructuring of the 本科电子游戏软件 division at a later date.


约翰L. 马奥尼,小. (李Pellegrini)

在他担任本科招生主任期间, 电子游戏软件 saw a dramatic rise in freshman applications that continued after he became a senior administrator and was succeeded by Grant Gosselin: from 12,从1990年的403到1990年的20,从2000年的743到34,061 in 2012; the latter figure was a record surpassed seven years later by the 35,500 applications for the Class of 2023; three years after that, 本科申请人数超过40人,000.

The planning and strategizing that produced such statistics is a source of pride for 马奥尼, 但这是一项由许多人促成的成就, 他说,尤其是他服务过的两位总统, 威廉·P. 莱希,年代.J.,和J. 唐纳德·莫南,S.J., 以及他们对BC作为耶稣会的愿景, 天主教大学铭记其遗产,同时建设未来. 他还提到了他的前任招生主任, 查尔斯·诺兰, 谁雇佣了他?, 以及退休的招生管理主任罗伯特·雷, 与马奥尼密切合作的人.

讨论他本月早些时候退休的决定, 马奥尼说, “感觉是时候了. 这39年是一段惊人的历程, and it’s a blessing to have worked here at 电子游戏软件 during a time of such incredible progress.”

电子游戏软件对未来学生的吸引力, 马奥尼说, 这取决于两点, 其中之一是它靠近波士顿.  “另一件事是, students and their families like what they hear about a 电子游戏软件 education, not only what happens in the classroom but the formation that takes place throughout their four years here. 家长们认识到BC是认真的帮助他们的孩子成长, 不仅是智力上的,而且是个人上的, 在人生如此关键的时期. 关心个人:这是我们的不同之处.”

自从40年前加入德夫林大厅的团队以来, 约翰·马奥尼 has been an indispensable leader as he and his colleagues have admitted nearly 100,今天电子游戏软件的校友中有1000名年轻男女. John remains one of the most eloquent voices in articulating what makes this a special place among the nation’s best universities. [他]在呼啸山庄留下了非凡的遗产.

The increase in numbers of applicants to BC under 马奥尼 precipitated the enrollment of an undergraduate student body marked by superior academic achievement as well as greater diversity, 不列颠哥伦比亚省成为一所精英国立大学的关键因素. 即使考虑到考试成绩计算方式随时间的变化, 还有其他因素, 2026-a班的编号1,SAT平均484分,act平均34分,证实了BC的学术卓越, 马奥尼说.

在马奥尼担任董事的头十年里, BC看到了AHANA本科申请人数的上升. 1992年至2002年, 根据一项全国性的电子游戏正规平台, 该大学的增幅排名第十(3名).1 percent) in the share of underrepresented minorities, compared to an overall 0.在美国的所有参赛选手中,增长了4%.S. News“全国最佳大学”类别. 进展仍在继续, 马奥尼说:“AHANA的学生占2026届学生的36%, and in recent years that percentage has consistently reached the mid-30 percent range.

虽然他们称赞这样的统计数据, 马奥尼的同事说,他对不列颠哥伦比亚省的贡献超出了可量化的范畴, 他指出自己是校友,也是不列颠哥伦比亚省最具传奇色彩的人物之一的儿子, 长期担任英语教师的约翰L. 马奥尼老.

“自从近40年前加入德夫林大厅的团队以来, 约翰·马奥尼 has been an indispensable leader as he and his colleagues have admitted nearly 100,今天电子游戏软件的校友中有1000名年轻男女,教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利说. “John remains one of the most eloquent voices in articulating what makes this a special place among the nation’s best universities.  和他的父亲一样,约翰在山庄留下了一笔了不起的遗产.”

“It is significant that the person responsible for the admission of tens of thousands of undergraduates beginning in the early 1990s is himself a model of the ‘well-rounded’ individual that we all seek in college admissions,雷说。. “John exhibits a balance of strong verbal skills and insightful mathematical skills.  Through his words he commands a room of prospective students and parents on the essence of the 电子游戏软件 experience, and with his analytical skills he directs enrollment modeling and statistical planning for each incoming class.”

马奥尼在本科录取方面的工作得到了同行的认可.  2002年,他赢得了约翰. Muir Editor’s Award from the National Association for College 电子游戏软件 Counseling for his article “Perception of the Profession Is a Cause for Concern,发表于 大学录取学报. In 2014, the New England Association for College 电子游戏软件 Counseling selected him for the Harry R. 卡罗尔杰出服务奖, which honors a college admission counseling professional whose contributions and achievements merit special recognition and whose work reflects the spirit and principles of its namesake.

然而马奥尼的成功并非命中注定. He spent the first five years after his graduation from BC as an English teacher at St. 位于马萨诸塞州丹佛斯的约翰预备学校., an experience he found demanding yet invaluable: “When you’re teaching 14- to 16-year-old boys, 你必须每天都带着它. 我必须做好准备, 订婚了, 热情的, 对我说的话充满热情, and I feel this prepared me well to speak about BC when I joined the 电子游戏软件 Office.”

马奥尼 succeeded Nolan as director of admission at an inauspicious time for higher education, with the college-age population at low ebb; the number of high school graduates during his first years at the helm of undergraduate admission was only 2.400万,东北部降幅最大. 他回忆说,不列颠哥伦比亚省不得不开始在国内和国际上招募人才. It was a challenge he took on personally, making visits to high schools across the country.

“Bob [Lay] told me, ‘You need to be a national figure in two years,’” recalled 马奥尼. “我想走出去,尽可能多地去一些地方,比如盐湖城、圣路易斯市. 路易斯和丹芙. 有时, 当我上高中的时候, one of the counselors would ask why the BC director of admission was visiting: ‘Did we do something wrong?’ But I loved talking to the students about liberal arts education and BC; it was enriching.”

马奥尼 can wax nostalgically about how aspects of the admission process have changed during his time at BC—such as when he and his admission staff would lug home freshman applications (70 to 80 apiece) in mail crates to read through them—but one constant has been those undergraduates who have aided the office as campus tour guides or in panel discussions on student life.

“从很多方面来说,它们都是我们最宝贵的资源, 因为他们有生活经验,马奥尼说, recounting how one such student answered a parent’s question of whether BC faculty hold office hours. “他说,问题应该是,‘你们有咖啡和手机教员吗?他解释说,他的手机里有教授的电话号码, 他知道他可以打电话给他们说, “你愿意和我一起喝杯咖啡吗?? 我得说点事.’ That’s the sort of thing which really stands out to prospective students and parents.”


肖恩·史密斯|大学传播| 2023年2月