Photos by Caitlin Cunningham

Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences junior Emma Story, 是谁对政治和政府的兴趣让她从高中时代就走出了课堂, 电子游戏软件最新一位获得梦寐以求的杜鲁门奖学金的本科生是谁.

The scholarship, awarded by the Harry S. Truman Foundation, 支持致力于公共服务领导的有成就的本科生的电子游戏正规平台生教育和个人发展. A native of the St. 主修政治学,辅修国际电子游戏正规平台和社会影响与公共利益管理, 斯托里计划攻读宪法和政府法律专业的法学博士学位.

BC, with 22 Truman Scholars since 1981, 是一组被指定为杜鲁门荣誉机构的学院和大学之一,以鼓励杰出的年轻人从事公共服务事业, effective promotion of the Truman program on their campuses, 并持续成功地帮助他们的学生获得杜鲁门奖学金.

While a BC student, 斯托里在她的家乡和马萨诸塞州参加过各种竞选活动. 她最近在多个县担任区域外勤主任,管理一个政治行动委员会的基层行动. As a United States Senate intern last summer, Story conducted in-depth research on slave labor, 她的发现和建议被纳入了几项政府立法.

她是“开明女性网络”不列颠哥伦比亚省分会的当选主席, 他是政治学教授彼得·克劳斯(Peter Krause)的电子游戏正规平台助理,电子游戏正规平台全球政治暴力和美国政治两极分化等问题.S.

早在她上大学之前,她就对政治和政府充满了热情, Story believes the on-the-ground, 国家/地方的政治视角与其国家和全球层面密不可分, 在追求公共利益的过程中,跨越意识形态差异的意愿和决心是不可或缺的.

I continue to believe that, difficult as it might be to have political conversations, you need to show compassion and tolerance, and listen to different perspectives. In the past, we’ve been able to come together as a nation and move forward past our disagreements; that’s what we need to do now, even just on a person-by-person basis.
Truman Scholarship winner Emma Story '23

获得与美国最著名的总统同名的著名奖学金对斯托里来说很有成就感, especially given that his hometown is in the same state as hers.

“哈里·杜鲁门对公共服务的奉献精神绝对鼓舞了作为密苏里人的我,” said Story. “他帮助在国际和地方层面创造了变革,这令人钦佩.”

Story was drawn to BC because of its Jesuit, Catholic character, with an emphasis on faith and service, its strong academic reputation, and the opportunities to pursue research as an undergraduate. 她还觉得换个地方到东海岸看看风景会是一次有益的成长经历. Closing in on the end of her third year at BC, “故事”觉得她来山庄的决定是正确的.

“主修政治学使我对政治和政府有了理论和实践的认识, which can be applied in the real world,” she said, citing Political Science Department faculty members such as Krause, Kenji Hayao, Michael Hartney, David Hopkins, 以及肯尼斯·克什,感谢他们对她的智力和个人形成的影响. “My International Studies minor has provided a global perspective, 通过东亚和非洲以及政治经济和发展课程. 我从社会影响管理辅修课程中学到了很多关于数字创新的知识. While I’m unsure of my exact career path, 我觉得我有一个坚实的基础来学习宪法和政府法律.”

故事在他的日韩政治课上的表现给Hayao留下了深刻的印象,他最终鼓励她申请杜鲁门奖学金, which he notes has become more competitive in recent years.

Emma Story

“Emma did excellent work across the board, particularly on her research paper, 这篇文章的重点是,韩国总统文在寅决定同意朝鲜的要求,阻止韩国反朝活动人士向朝鲜人传递信息. More than most students, 她确实深入电子游戏正规平台了可用的资源,以了解这个问题.”

Krause, 斯托里在他的政治暴力项目中担任电子游戏正规平台助理, added his praise. “Emma is an incredibly intelligent and hard-working student. 她和我一起对美国的两极分化和极端主义进行了有价值的电子游戏正规平台, the international relations of the Middle East, and the politics of post-war governments. 她的作品为同行评议的文章、政策备忘录和两个图书项目做出了贡献. She is a worthy recipient of the Truman Scholarship, 我知道这将进一步推动她对公共服务的深刻承诺.”

斯托里还感谢那些帮助她从小培养对政治和政府兴趣的人, especially her father, 她喜欢和他在餐桌上谈论新闻和时事. 作为一名高中生,她被自己所在州的州长竞选迷住了, 她说服他开车送她去参加在他们家乡举行的候选人辩论. 她还太小,不能在选举中投票,她自愿为其中一位候选人投票(“我很喜欢”)。.

在2018年中期选举期间,她敲了10多个,她成为了竞选团队中最年轻的现场组织者. The summer before college, she embarked on what was essentially an independent study, 观察当地法官的工作,并与他们谈论他们审判的案件.

Experiences such as her Senate internship, 并有机会进一步电子游戏正规平台奴隶劳动——这是她在“社会影响管理”课程中探讨的问题——加深了斯托里对政治进程的尊重, imperfect and messy though it may be sometimes, especially in this volatile day and age.

“I continue to believe that, difficult as it might be to have political conversations,” she said, “you need to show compassion and tolerance, and listen to different perspectives. In the past, we’ve been able to come together as a nation and move forward past our disagreements; that’s what we need to do now, even just on a person-by-person basis.”


Sean Smith | University Communications | April 2022