
在春季学期, the 电子游戏软件学生健康中心 is offering a range of new services and events to help BC students live balanced lives, 特别注重心理健康支持.  在这个Q中&A, Jeannine克雷默, who became the center’s full-time director in 3月 2022, 与约翰·莎士比亚分享她的想法, a senior digital content writer in the Office of University Communications, on the role of wellness on campus and the resources that her team offers to all BC students.

What's your vision for the Center for Student Wellness?

I love doing this work at 电子游戏软件, because the Jesuit values really guide our mission. Here in our office, we talk about wellness in terms of mind, body, 和灵魂. These three words seem to resonate with our students. Our vision is about caring for the whole person and developing that whole person in relation to the common good.

In practice, that vision looks like daily collaboration. Our staff and our 26 peer wellness coaches—who are all BC students themselves—partner with faculty and staff to make meaningful connections with students. The goal is to give them opportunities to reflect on their personal wellness so they can develop concrete skills and make healthy decisions that will hopefully last far beyond their four years here at BC.

我们的做法也植根于预防. Sometimes people think, “I should only have a coaching appointment when something is wrong.“事实并非如此. We hope the array of programs and coaching sessions we offer will give students the time and space to invest in themselves, 确定他们的健康目标, 学习管理压力的新技能, 探索新的运动方式, 并在BC社区找到归属感. 最终, our goal is to create a culture of wellness across this campus, 所以这是日常生活的一部分.

What health and wellness resources can BC students take advantage of?

I always say that the best place to start is to stop by the center and say hello and visit our “health hub” just outside Gasson 013. We want this to be a welcoming space where students can make tea and coffee, 吃点零食, 电子游戏正规平台, 和我们联系. 另外, they can easily go online and schedule a wellness coaching session with a peer wellness coach. 在那些会议上, the student is in the driver’s seat—our goal is to give them strategies for the specific areas of health they want to work on, 不管是多做运动, 反映他们的物质使用, 或者寻找更多的社区.

当他们路过的时候, students can also pick up a personalized wellness kit that includes tea, 压力球, 睡眠面膜, 健康小贴士. 在秋季学期, 在校园合作伙伴的帮助下, 我们把两个放在一起,000 wellness kits and distributed them in offices and classrooms around campus.

We also have plenty of online resources available on our website for tending to your mind, body, 和灵魂, 包括专家建议和营养视频, 心理健康, 睡眠, 的关系, 还有更多. 学生 can use our online BeWell and ChooseWell screenings to self-assess their wellness when it comes to their general health and their substance use; through those screenings, 太, we can connect them with the resources and services that seem most helpful to them.

What are some new initiatives and events this semester?

This year, we created a dedicated position focused on 心理健康 and wellness. As we started to roll out initiatives like the Mental Health Matters: Let’s Talk About It campaign, I was blown away by how many students and student groups came to the office to say, “我们希望在心理健康方面做得更多, 我们想和你合作.”

通过这些伙伴关系, we’re going to do an event around Autism Awareness Day on April 2, 五月初, we’re going to collaborate with several student groups to put on a Mental Health Awareness Week. Different student organizations will be tabling and hosting events, and there will be something different every day for students to engage in. 在2月份, we are also launching a pilot of our campus-wide QPR suicide prevention program, and we have 13 people on campus who’ve been certified to train others to be “gatekeepers” who recognize the warning signs when a student is in crisis.

In partnership with University Counseling Services and University Health Services, we’re organizing three “Wellness Wednesdays”—one in February, 3月, 和4月. The Center for Student Wellness is going to host the first one on February 15. 这将是一个一起喝热可可的机会, 做一些有趣的活动, and make new connections in the middle of the semester. And throughout the semester we’ll be hosting Mindful Mondays, where students can stop in during lunch and learn some mindfulness techniques. 对于那些想要深入了解的人, we’re also going to be offering four-week training sessions in the Koru Mindfulness curriculum, 哪个是为大学生设计的. The goal of all these initiatives is to reduce stigma so students feel comfortable talking about 心理健康, and to ultimately help them build their 心理健康 太lkits.

I’m also excited that we’re expanding our Collegiate Recovery Program and our outreach to women in recovery. BC的康复之家今年加入了我们的中心, and Sober on the Heights AA meetings have returned in person. This spring, we will offer groups for children of adult alcoholics for the first time.

As always, we’ll wrap up the semester by hosting our annual Finals Relaxation Day. 这是学生们停下来按摩的好机会, 一个自己做的糖果袋, and some stress and time management tips that will hopefully help them finish off the year healthy and well.

For more about the Center for Student Wellness, go to femdomcenter.com/student-wellness.

大学通讯| 2023年1月