神学与事工学院院长托马斯. Stegman,年代.J., 谁帮助创建了一个关怀, close-knit community among STM students and faculty while leading the school to the upper echelons in global rankings, has announced that he will step down from his position at the end of the spring semester.

一位受欢迎的院长和教授, 国际上受尊敬的新约学者, 他写了六本关于信仰的书, 圣经的奖学金, 以及对保罗书信的解读, Fr. Stegman, 谁担任院长五年半了, said his decision to step down follows the advice of his medical team at Dana Farber and Brigham and Women’s Hospital to attend to his health in his ongoing battle with glioblastoma.


托马斯·斯缇格曼,S.J. (托尼·莱)

“I have enjoyed being able to serve the STM as dean in ways I never imagined as a faculty member,”他说。. Stegman. “I'm very proud that the School—along with the Theology Department—has gained greater external recognition. I am also proud of the faculty and 工作人员 hires we have made and are making, 七的加法 无obstats 在教会学院任教, and of the palpable sense of community one feels when entering Simboli Hall.”

During his tenure as dean, 电子游戏软件 rose to seventh overall in Theology, Divinity & 宗教电子游戏正规平台在QS世界大学排名, considered the foremost international survey of theological studies programs. The STM also achieved a significant increase in domestic and international students who were drawn to the school for its academic programs in theology and ministry, 以及越来越多样化的教师队伍, 反映了战略重点. 斯缇格曼以院长的身份来到了学校.

他还建立了灵性电子游戏正规平台项目, the Committee on Race and Ethnicity to address diversity and inclusion issues within the school, 以及一个名为Formacíon Continua的热门节目, which offers continuing education courses in Spanish for learners worldwide. 除了, he created a partnership with Jesuit Relief Services in which STM faculty developed a curriculum called “Building Relationships in Troubled Contexts” to assist those working in refugee camps, 并为亨利R. Cavalieri Jesuit Fellowship Fund to bring international Jesuit scholars to the STM and provide funding for Jesuits to study at the school.

“The first strategic direction from the 神学与事工学院’s mission statement is to ‘continue efforts to establish the STM as a premier Catholic institution for theological scholarship and for intellectual and pastoral formation of priests, 宗教, 还有普通人,’”他说。. Stegman. “我们正在做我们应该做的事情, 感谢我们的教师和学生的善意和热情, I think the STM is positioned well to grow and to respond pastorally and theologically to the needs of the Church and world.”

Tom has been an extraordinary leader and leaves the school in a very strong position to help educate the next generation of 宗教 and lay leaders for the Catholic Church.

教务长兼学院院长大卫·奎格利赞扬了奥巴马. 感谢斯缇格曼卓越的领导.

“Tom Stegman's six years as dean commenced with his travel to Rome to participate in the 36th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus,奎格利说.  “He returned to campus and articulated a compelling vision for the 神学与事工学院 while developing strong relationships with faculty and administrators across the University.  Tom has been an extraordinary leader and leaves the school in a very strong position to help educate the next generation of 宗教 and lay leaders for the Catholic Church.”

STM全体教职员工对他表示了赞扬和感谢. 感谢斯缇格曼作为院长在指导学院方面的鼓舞人心的领导.

“Dean Stegman's love for the 神学与事工学院 and his commitment to its flourishing have been unwavering,科琳·格里菲斯说, faculty director of spiritual studies and professor of the practice of theology in the STM.  “His courage and faithful witness to the gospel have been an inspiration to STM faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.  He has led our school with integrity and fairness, embodying the highest of Jesuit ideals.  他的智慧和恩典是我们社区永恒的礼物.”

是什么让汤姆成为一个杰出的学者, 老师, 而迪恩就是他的人情味,教会学院副教授安德鲁·戴维斯说. “His writing and teaching exemplify how scripture can be alive in communities today, and as dean he has inspired the STM community to live more fully in its mission of service to the Church and world. 作为院长,我们STM社区的所有人都将深深怀念他.”

耶稣会美国中西部省的一员. Stegman was raised in Holdrege, Nebraska, and joined the Society of Jesus in 1985. St的毕业生. 在费城的Charles Borromeo神学院,他获得了M.A. (Philosophy) from Marquette University, and both a master’s in divinity and an S.T.L. (希伯来圣经)来自韦斯顿耶稣会神学院. 他获得了博士学位.D. in New Testament studies at Emory University, under the direction of renowned theologian Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson, and began his teaching career at Emory as Johnson’s teaching assistant. 2003-2008年任教于韦斯顿大学, 并在马奎特大学和克莱顿大学担任客座教授.

Dean Stegman's love for the 神学与事工学院 and his commitment to its flourishing have been unwavering. His courage and faithful witness to the gospel have been an inspiration to STM faculty, 工作人员, 和学生. He has led our school with integrity and fairness, embodying the highest of Jesuit ideals.

在耶稣会士中备受尊敬. Stegman represented the Midwest Province at the 2012 Procurators Congregation in Nairobi and at the 36th General Congregation in Rome in 2016.

作为一名才华横溢的高中棒球运动员,他仍然是圣. 路易斯红雀队和绿湾包装工队.

在12月给STM教员的信中, Stegman said that the ability to serve as dean has given real meaning and a sense of purpose to him these past few years, 让他不去想自己的身体状况.

“医疗团队的目标是让我的病变成‘慢性疾病’,他们的意思是,虽然没有治愈的方法, we will try to stay ahead of the glioblastoma for as long as we can and take care of things as they arise,他写道.

“My goal is to be able to finish my decanal term through the spring semester and graduation, 也就是说他的任期是6年. 感谢教务长和校长办公室的好意, 如果上帝在这学年过后赐予我健康和生命, 我将在2022-2023年休假. 我想我还有两本书要写,这就是我要写的. 如果我休完假还活着, I’d be happy and honored to return to the Ecclesiastical 教师 to teach courses in the New Testament.”     

关于搜索Fr的信息. 斯缇格曼的继任者将很快被释放. 一场庆祝他担任院长任期的活动正在计划中,时间是今年春天.

杰克·邓恩|大学传播| 2022年1月