
不列颠哥伦比亚省的本科生不仅仅是在学习气候变化. 他们把它看作是一条潜在的职业道路

安娜·戴维斯24岁, 她是莫里西文理学院历史专业的学生, arrived on the 电子游戏软件 campus with an interest in climate change; over the course of three years, 它成了她的北极星.

戴维斯说:“我没有预料到气候变化会主导我的电子游戏正规平台. “我学了很多关于这个话题的课程, exploring the intersection between my major and the development of climate activism in the United States. 我辅修了社会影响管理和公共利益. 现在, I’m working on a Scholar of the College thesis that explores the legal and economic thought that developed in response to the 1973 Endangered Species Act, which reflects the broader polarization over environmental and climate issues in America today, 它把我所有的学术兴趣融合成一个单一的项目.”

戴维斯, who will travel to Dubai next month for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) as a member of the BC faculty and student contingent, was one of nearly 50 students who attended the first Climate Change Professional Dinner and Networking Night on October 26, sponsored by the BC省就业中心 and the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society.

The event enabled undergraduates to interact with BC alumni employed by companies focused on the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, and—as reflected by opening remarks from Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences Yi Ming—underscored the University’s commitment to climate change-related research and teaching, and providing students like 戴维斯 the opportunity to consider the field as a potential career path.

“在过去的十年里, we’ve experienced the hottest decade in our history; there have been numerous wildfires; the temperatures in the South西 have soared; and in Florida, insurance companies are refusing to insure homeowners because of excessive flooding,明说。, 席勒电子游戏正规平台所气候科学与社会教授, 在他的演讲中.  “如果我们回到卡特里娜飓风, 风暴淹没了新奥尔良80%的地区, 对贫困居民的影响不成比例. 在世界范围内, 历史上,全球南方的温室气体排放量较低, but often is the most exposed to the effects of climate change due to a lack of financial and technological resources, 可再生能源的使用也很有限.

“席勒电子游戏正规平台所, 通过与卑诗大学经济学家和社会工作学院的合作, 专注于解决方案, 比如可再生能源和风力发电场, and addressing the impact of climate change on the mental health of those living in low-income countries,明说。.  “We share the same humanity; we have an obligation to pass down our planet to the next generation in better condition than we found it.”  

联合主持人吉姆·韦斯特, 即将离任的席勒电子游戏正规平台所项目助理主任, and Career Center Associate Director Kayla Pelland invited attendees to chat with BC alums in attendance, including Ashley Medlar ’11 from the advocacy group Environmental Defense Fund; Olivia McCaffrey ’17 of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs; Chantala Chanthasiri ’96, 来自道富街, a global financial services company; Caitlin Connelly ’19, of energy research and consultancy Wood Mackenzie; Michelle Fay ’95, at business management consulting firm Guidehouse;  Asa Ackerly ’22, 从谷神星, an accelerator for sustainable capital markets; and Joe Fonseca ’20 and Leanne Ortega ’23, 他是太阳能公司EnergySage的总裁.

“There was a buzz in the Schiller Convening Space as students and alumni discussed pressing issues and opportunities associated with climate change,韦斯特说。. “这次合作为学生提供了与校友联系的机会, and develop the professional networking skills they will need to achieve their potential.”

就业中心和席勒电子游戏正规平台所合作的报道. This reception and dinner is an  opportunity for alumni and faculty to meet some of BC's most promising students interested in climate change related careers and help prepare them for successful careers. Many of the student delegates attending the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai will be in attendance, 以及其他正在崛起的气候变化领导人.
联系人有:Kayla Pelland (Kayla.pelland@femdomcenter.com)和吉姆·韦斯特(james West).西.1@femdomcenter.com)
左-右:Chantala Chanthasiri, â  96 of State Street; Brightna Hu'24 (CSOM), 和安娜·冈萨雷斯, 神学与事工学院学生, 2025届毕业生.

(L-R) Chantala Chanthasiri ‘96 of State Street spoke with Brightna Hu ’24 and School of Theology and Ministry student Ana Gonzalez ’25 at the University’s first Climate Change and Professional Networking Night on October 26, sponsored by the Career Center and the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society. (李Pellegrini)

学生们很快就对这次会议发表了评论, 由职业中心的大创意创新基金资助, 开发鼓励员工大胆创新和试验, 加强职业教育和学生机会的新项目. 戴维斯, 有谁希望上法学院,专攻环境法, 将社交之夜描述为一个巨大的成功.

"It was a great opportunity to learn about the diverse range of sustainability careers, and to network with professionals who are eager to bring students into the field. These sessions have shown me that professionals in this field come from various backgrounds and possess a diverse range of expertise. 我赞赏英国广播公司主动组织此类活动, encouraging students to explore numerous career paths within the sustainability sector.”

“As a BC alumna and now a [Woods College of Advancing Studies] grad student looking towards my next step, I found the Climate Change Professional Networking Night particularly more enjoyable than other networking events,22岁的Kirsten Stanislawski说. “It was great to connect with professionals not only on what we’re passionate about, 同时也讨论我们的BC经验. 这给了我希望,其他和我学一样东西的BC校友, 毕业后找到工作并取得成功.”

Pelland, 谁是就业中心的科学主管, 技术, 工程职业集群, 解释说,该中心以职业集群模式运作, with industry-specific mentors who provide tailored advice and support students in their career development.

考虑到与气候变化相关的职业涉及多个行业, many of our cluster coaches have worked with students interested in this field to develop targeted job and internship search strategies,”她说。.

她在事后调查中指出, 100 percent of student respondents reported they felt confident in their ability to communicate with alumni and professionals after attending the Climate Change Professional Dinner and Networking Night.

“期待, the Career Center and the Schiller Institute hope to build on this momentum by collaborating on Green Careers Night in April, 为对可持续发展感兴趣的学生和校友举办的社交活动,”她说。. “Talking with people in climate change-related careers is a great way to explore and build meaningful connections.”