Writing Support Through the CFLC


Writing tutoring:

The  tutoring appointments for writing support, including writing support for English Language Learners,  是为了协助写作过程的所有阶段.  在50分钟的时间里,学生们可以集思广益,复习大纲,或者写草稿.  Tutors do not edit papers.  They will work with you to help your writing improve. 在会议期间审查的论文最好是5到8页. 本中心没有工作人员为论文或论文投稿提供写作协助. To make an appointment please follow the instructions.  All appointments beginfive to eight pages in length.on the hour (*Except A&P).  


The Online Writing Lab (OWL):

OWL对正在进行的工作提供异步的、基于电子邮件的反馈. 作者可以通过在线表格提交草稿并确定修改重点,OWL导师将在48小时内提供书面反馈. As in face-to-face sessions, OWL教程旨在帮助作者改进他们的整体流程, 强调更高层次的有效性,而不是修饰性的编辑. 

Submit Your Paper to OWL

OWL Fall 2024 Calendar


Monday, September 9 -接受秋季学期辅导申请的第一天.


Wednesday, October 9 -在秋季假期前完成教程请求的截止日期.


Saturday, Oct. 12, to Tuesday, Oct. 15 - Closed for Fall Break. 休息期间收到的申请将在10月16日星期三处理.


Sunday, November 24 -在感恩节假期前完成教程请求的截止日期.


Wednesday, Nov. 27, to Sunday, Dec. 1 - Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays. 休假期间收到的申请将在12月2日星期一处理.


Thursday, December 5 - Deadline for fall semester tutorial requests.


Monday, December 9 - Closed for Winter Recess.


Please also note that the OWL is closed on all Saturdays.



For questions about our tutoring services, please contact:

Cecilie Reid-Joyner
Associate Director



Frequently Asked Questions about OWL


CFLC Calendar