

The RADS program is specifically aimed at supporting interdisciplinary research projects between faculty in different disciplines, 部门, 以及电子游戏软件的各个学校.  It is widely recognized that some of the most important problems facing society cannot be solved by researchers in individual disciplines working independently.  Problems in areas such as public health, 能源, 人类疾病, and the environment are inherently interdisciplinary; they require the collaborative efforts of faculty/researchers that have different knowledge, 视角, 和专业知识.  The primary purpose of this program is to assist faculty in leveraging ideas into possible future external grant proposals, with the objective to promote interdisciplinary collaborations that might not occur otherwise.  The Vice 教务长 for 电子游戏正规平台 (VPR) will support five projects annually for up to $50,000.

Application Submission Dates and Funding



TBD (before May 31, 2024) — Award notifications

July 31, 2024 — Funds to be awarded

Funding for the RADS corresponds with the academic calendar.  Award recipients should be aware that funds will not automatically carry forward to the next fiscal year.  

您可以联系 internalgrants@femdomcenter.com for further inquiries about submission.


格式:最小0.5-inch margins, Arial Font, 11-point or larger.  Proposals can be single or double spaced.  Figures and figure legends count towards page limitations.  A separate bibliography section (no page limit) can be used for references cited in the body of the proposal. A RADS proposal must contain both a “Multi-Investigator Plan” as well as a “利用计划.”  It is essential that all proposals include the following sections, in order:

I. 简介(限1页)

Briefly describe the proposed study in non-technical terms.

II. Multi-Investigator Plan (Limit: 1 page)

The proposal must identify at least two faculty from either different disciplines, 部门, 和/或电子游戏软件的学校.  另外, the Multi-Investigator Plan should address the following administrative processes and Principle Investigator (PI) responsibilities:

  • Roles/areas of responsibility of the PI's
  • 财政与管理协调
  • Process for making decisions on scientific direction and allocation of resources
  • Data sharing and communication among faculty/investigators
  • Publication and intellectual property (if needed) polices
  • 解决冲突的程序

3. 电子游戏正规平台 Plan (Limit: 4 pages, including figures)

Describe your research plan which should include a description of the aims and goals of your project.  

IV. 利用计划

在杠杆计划中, the PI’s will illustrate how the supported project will lead to future proposal submissions by the team of faculty/investigators.  Examples of a leverage plan could include, but are not limited to:

  • Describe direct relationship of the proposed studies to a specific call for proposals (e.g.(RFA或FOA)
  • Summary description of discussion with program officials at specified funding agencies (NIH/NSF) indicating enthusiasm toward the project
  • Summary statements for an unfunded proposal indicating how additional collaborators/expertise will increase the likelihood of funding
  • Letter of support from a funding agency/program officer indicating potential of the project for future funding

V. Be sure to include an itemized budget, CV, and bibliography.


所有的全职, tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty are eligible, and participation is encouraged at all three levels.  Rank is not a criterion during review of the applications.  教师 who have a balance in their start-up packages greater than $30,000人被排除在申请之外.


Reviewing RADS proposals will be a function of the University of 电子游戏正规平台 Operations Committee (UROC). UROC will serve as an oversight committee by evaluating the content of each proposal and subsequently forming a review committee based on the type of research received in the applications. 如果有必要的话, UROC will engage outside consultants to review any applications that are in need of specific expert knowledge. 因此, applicants must state names of any potential consultants that should be excluded from review of their study, 为什么. Awarded RADS proposals will be made by the strength of the research and the responsiveness to the above listed criterion.


Subsequent to receiving RADS funding, the PI agrees to provide updates on outcomes for up to two years after receiving the RADS; for example, grants received or papers published that used the project data. These data would be used to adjust the RADS annual funding and to justify the overall RADS budget in future years. Failure to provide updates precludes the faculty member from further participations for RADS funding.