M.S. 在会计

我们严格的, stem指定的MSA计划培养对会计如何影响组织和社会的深入理解,同时加强必要的分析技能. Courses focus on practical concepts, and students learn from accomplished faculty who possess valuable industry experience. Students with and without accounting backgrounds are encouraged to apply to the MSA program.

Take the First Step

We can help you reach your goals.


How long will it take?

The program requires 9- 12 months of study.


You'll begin the program in September and complete it in May or August, depending on your course load. 

Will I pass the CPA exam?



电子游戏软件 校友


Carroll School 校友


Financial Times 教师 电子游戏正规平台 Ranking, 2022


被录取的学生将收到一份个性化的课程工作表,其中概述了他们的个人课程计划. Specific course plans take into account each student’s prior academic experience. Below is a list of core and foundational courses. 在本科阶段修过这些课程的学生有资格用卡罗尔管理学院的电子游戏正规平台生选修课来代替这些课程.

进一步, admitted students must note that as the entire MSA program is STEM designated, they do not choose or opt into a specific STEM track or concentration.


核心 & Foundational Courses

核心 & Foundational Courses学分
Managerial Statistics*0
Advanced 商业法 (U.S. 基础)3
会计 Information Systems3
Financial 会计 Practice I3
Financial 会计 Practice II3
Financial Auditing3
Federal Taxation3
Internal Cost Management and Control
Financial Statement Analysis
Assurance and Consulting Services
Forensic 会计
Total Credit 小时

*Students will complete Managerial Statistics, which is a self-paced online course, during the summer prior to arriving on campus. 学生将在6月份从电子游戏正规平台生服务办公室收到有关课程的指导和信息. All assignments for this course will be due by mid-August.


If you are interested in taking the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam, required courses vary by state. For specific CPA requirements by state, please visit the "Exams" section of the NASBA 网站.

社区 Service

The Carroll School has a proud tradition of service to our community. In keeping with that tradition and with our Jesuit heritage, 所有卡罗尔学院的电子游戏正规平台生都必须满足一项要求,即通过志愿者的有意义的工作为他人服务.


Class entering Fall 2023

学术 & Professional Profile

Average GMAT Score648
GMAT Score 80th Percentile Range615–670
Average GRE Score322
GRE Score 80th Percentile Range309-332
Average 本科 GPA3.38
Average Full-Time Work Experience
<1 year



AHANA *31%

*African-American, Hispanic, Asian and Native American.

Note: All class profile information is accurate as of September 12, 2023

国际 Enrollments



本科 Majors

学费 & 援助

An MSA from the Carroll School is an excellent investment in your future. We offer merit-based scholarships and financial assistance to qualified applicants. Loan and work study programs are also available.

校友 Experiences

帕特里克·麦肯 ’20, Deal Advisory Associate, KPMG

电子游戏软件 sets itself apart from other institutions because of its faculty. 我们有更小的, more interactive learning environments with personalized help from 教授, who have extensive professional backgrounds.”

Yuqiong Allison Zhang ’20, Associate, PwC

“During my program, I developed a strong relationship with my career advisor. She always encouraged me to be myself, to pick up my confidence, and step out of my comfort zone to do better.”

嘉豪耿 ’21, Audit Assistant, EY

“My best piece of advice to prospective students is to be proactive. Do not hesitate to network with classmates, 校友, 教授, and other members of the BC community. They are happy to help and want you to succeed.”


In order to complete my 150 hours for my CPA exam, can I take graduate level courses in the MSA program without applying formally to the program?

Unfortunately, in order to take classes in any graduate management program, you must formally apply and be accepted into the program.

Is work experience required for admission to the MSA program?

Work experience is not required for the MSA program. Students can gain admission directly from their undergraduate studies.



Virtual Coffee Chats

Chat with a current student and learn more about the BC MSA program.

In-Person Campus Tours

Enjoy a 30-minute walking tour of 富尔顿大厅 and upper campus.

应用程序 & 需求

应用程序 Link & 最后期限


Attention MSA Applicants for Fall 2024: 我们接受2024年秋季的滚动申请,直到7月31日,并免除剩余周期的申请费. To request a fee waiver, email us at bcmba@femdomcenter.com when you are ready to submit your application.

电子游戏软件 Decisions: 应用程序s are generally reviewed on a rolling basis. 这意味着, provided their applications are complete, applicants may receive admission decisions before the notification deadlines. 然而, 对于申请人来说,重要的是要明白,决定只以官方通知日期为保证.

轮 & Final 最后期限: 为了获得优先考虑,申请人必须在尽可能早的日期提交申请. 应用程序s received after the last deadline are reviewed on a space-available basis.

Fall 2024 最后期限

申请Receive decision by
October 24, 2023December 21, 2023
2024年1月9日*February 29, 2024

* 国际 applicants are strongly encouraged to apply by these deadlines

电子游戏软件 Fifth-Year BC Applicants

电子游戏软件大三下学期的本科生或大四的任何时候都有资格作为第五年申请者申请金融科学硕士项目. 一旦注册, 学生可以在课程开始之日起的短短9个月内完成MSA或MSF学位.

Fifth-year applicant requirements


使用这个部分来概述你的教育背景和专业经验, including part-time and internship roles with months and years in each position.

✓ 应用程序 Tip: We recommend limiting your resume to one to two pages. 请确保您的简历与您在线申请的“就业”部分提交的信息相对应.


所有申请者必须拥有经过认证的学院或大学的四年制学士学位. 你必须提交你曾经就读过学位授予项目的每个机构的成绩单. At the time of application, only a self-reported transcript is required but if you are admitted, we will require an official transcript sent directly from your degree-granting institution. 成绩单 should include:

  • 课程名称

  • All grades received (including transfer credits and study abroad programs)

  • 累积平均绩点

  • Degree conferral information

电子游戏正规平台生s of non-U.S. institutions must possess a college or university degree equivalent to a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree. 如果承认, 国际学生必须提交所有学历证书的官方英文翻译件, along with a third-party degree verification from an agency such as SpanTran or World Education Services (WES).

✓ 应用程序 Tip: Verify that your degree is equivalent to a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree before starting your application. Agencies such as WES provide a variety of degree equivalency tools and services.

Standardized Tests

Applicants must submit GMAT or GRE scores from within the past five years. We accept both the GMAT Exam and GMAT Focus Edition. Our test codes are:

  • GMAT school code: 44x-J5-96

  • GRE school code: 3033

请注意,通过试点计划,2024年秋季MSA申请人从美国大学获得学士学位.S.-based institutions can request consideration for a GMAT/GRE waiver. Learn more and submit a GMAT/GRE waiver request before completing your application.

✓ 应用程序 Tip: While 电子游戏正规平台电子游戏软件s does not have a preference between the GMAT or GRE, we encourage you to consult class profile data for average test scores in order to gauge where you stand. 

English Proficiency

If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you are required to submit an English language proficiency exam score with your application. We accept TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE scores. We do not accept the Duolingo English Test. 

Scores must be from within the past two years, and applicants must meet the following minimum scores:

  • TOEFL, iBT, and TOEFL iBT 首页 Edition: 100

  • 雅思:7.5

  • PTE: 68


  • 你已经在以英语为教学语言的机构完成了四年制学士学位或两年制硕士学位(或更高). You must have completed your degree in its entirety at the English-medium institution. 授课语言必须在你的成绩单上注明,或者在school的官方信函中核实.

  • Youhave worked in a full-time, 在美国或英语为官方语言的国家获得至少两年的学位后职位. 注意:在英语不是官方语言的国家为一家用英语开展业务的公司工作,你不会有资格获得语言测试豁免. 

✓ 应用程序 Tip: If you are eligible to waive the language test requirement, 您不需要事先提交豁免请求,只需继续申请即可.

Letter of Recommendation

Only one letter of recommendation is required to complete your application. 我们有兴趣从一个人那里了解你,他可以为你的强化电子游戏正规平台生学习能力和职业成功的潜力提供客观的评估.


✓ 应用程序 Tip: 建议MSA申请人提交学术推荐信,如教授, or professional references such as supervisors or managers.

要求 & 可选的文章

所有申请者必须提交一篇不超过500字的短文,讲述你过去的经历, short- and long-term goals, and why you want to pursue an MSA at 电子游戏软件. 您也可以提交一篇可选的文章,以解决您的候选资格尚未在申请的其他部分中涵盖的方面.

✓ 应用程序 Tip: 我们想听听你的想法,当申请人对问题做出独特的回答时,我们会很感激. Learn more about our essay questions and how to answer them.


If you have any further application-related questions, we encourage you to register for an App-y Hour application support session. 这些小组会议通过Zoom举行,由电子游戏正规平台生招生团队的一名成员领导.

Thinking about your fit for Carroll School of Management graduate programs? Review some tips and tactics to assess your candidacy.

You can also email us at bcmba@femdomcenter.com, or schedule a phone call or Zoom appointment with a member of the 电子游戏正规平台电子游戏软件 team.
