
The 电子游戏软件 国际高等教育中心 (虽然暂) is pleased to entertain requests for visiting scholar status with the Center for sojourns of any length of time up to one semester (3-4 months).

A senior scholar is defined by the Center as a senior researcher, 助理, 副教授或正教授.

A junior scholar is either a doctoral student in the final stage of doctoral research or an early-stage postdoctoral scholar (although, 请注意,本中心不提供正式考试, 带薪博士后职位). 

As of 2022, early career researchers are eligible to apply to the 汉斯·德·威特访问学者奖学金 来支持他们在虽然暂的学习.



访问ing scholars associated with the Center are entitled to access the many academic resources of our university, including the extensive online and physical library holdings of 电子游戏软件. We view visiting scholars as an integral part of our community, so they are also involved in all of the Center’s regular events and other activities. As part of this, scholars are given permission to audit any course offered by the 虽然暂 faculty (i.e. attend the class without gaining academic credit) and may also attend other courses within the department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education, 林奇学派, 以及更广泛的电子游戏软件社区, provided that the faculty member teaching the course approves.

请注意,中心 不能 provide direct or joint supervision for junior scholars as part of the visiting scholar program.


访问ing scholars are integrated members of the community of staff and graduate students at 虽然暂. Just as they derive benefits from their time at 电子游戏软件, they are expected to share their knowledge and expertise with the university community.

所有的学者, 无论背景如何, are expected to share their research background in some capacity 在他们逗留期间 at 电子游戏软件. Scholars are asked to give a seminar as part of the 虽然暂 visiting scholar seminar series, as well as to contribute where possible to classes related to the MA in 国际高等教育.

访问ing scholars are also asked to contribute to one of the Center’s publications. 资深学者应提交至少一篇文章给 国际高等教育 在他们逗留期间. The ultimate publication of this contribution is, of course, subject to editorial review. 初级学者也可以为 国内, but they may also choose to contribute in other ways (e.g. 通过参与 WES-虽然暂暑期学院及相关刊物).

If and when scholars publish and/or present research that they developed in a substantive way during their sojourn at 电子游戏软件, the Center would be grateful to receive some acknowledgement for having hosted the scholar during the relevant research period.

在相关的, 访问学者将被邀请提交论文, 或者以其他实质性的方式做出贡献, to any research projects or publications in which the Center is involved.


The Center has the capacity to host 2-3 scholars at any one time. Scholars are provided with a designated desk and printing privileges. 大多数学生都自带笔记本电脑, 尽管在特殊情况下, use of a desktop computer through the Center may be arranged.

Scholars are responsible for securing their own funding to support their sojourn; they are also responsible for handling all of the logistical matters related to their stay, including all arrangements related to travel and housing.


电子游戏软件 can provide support with visa documents, as needed. If the visiting scholar is a non-native speaker of English and will apply for a J1 Exchange 访问or visa, the Center is required to assess the scholar’s English language proficiency, in order to determine that the scholar can successfully participate in his or her program and function effectively on a daily basis. English language proficiency can be assessed by the Center through one of the following ways:

  1. The results of a recognized English language test (TOEFL or IELTS)
  2. Signed documentation from an academic institution or English language school, or
  3. 接受采访时



In order to be considered as a prospective visiting scholar, candidates must apply by April 1 (for Fall semester visits) or October 1 (for Spring semester visits). The Center does not accept visiting scholars who only wish to visit during the summer months (i.e. 七月及八月).



  1. 完成 访问学者申请表
  2. A 意向书,给
    1. 想在中心待上一段时间的理由
    2. a detailed explanation of the planned research to be undertaken, and
    3. a description of the ways in which the scholar believes he/she can contribute to the intellectual life of the 虽然暂/BC community
  3. 电流 CV
  4. 对于初级学者,a 推荐信 从顾问或更资深的同事那里

材料应通过电子邮件提交至 internationalhighered@femdomcenter.com.

经本中心批准, applicants’ materials are then passed to the Dean of the 林奇教育与人类发展学院, who in turn passes recommended applications along to the Office of the Provost. Final letters of invitation are issued to visiting scholars by the Provost. Scholars should expect that this approval process will take at least a month.



Please note that scholars requiring a visa will be asked to pay a one-time fee of $125 to the Office of International Students and Scholars for their support with the required visa paperwork.


Any questions about the visiting scholar program can be directed to Dr. 杰勒德布兰科,中国高等教育学院学术主任.